About Neil Thomas
Neil Thomas is the new poster boy for the ID movement. He has published a book " Taking Leave of Darwin: A Longtime Agnostic Discovers the Case for Design " with the Discovery Institute (DI), and is writing a series of articles for their web site. But who is he? They conveniently tell us : Neil Thomas is a Reader Emeritus in the University of Durham, England and a longtime member of the British Rationalist Association. He studied Classical Studies and European Languages at the universities of Oxford, Munich and Cardiff before taking up his post in the German section of the School of European Languages and Literatures at Durham University in 1976. There his teaching involved a broad spectrum of specialisms including Germanic philology, medieval literature, the literature and philosophy of the Enlightenment and modern German history and literature. He also taught modules on the propagandist use of the German language used both by the Nazis and by the functionaries of the old Ge