
Showing posts from September, 2024

Psalm 22:16 and "Pierce"

Psalm 22 is not Prophecy Christians claim Psalm 22 is a prophecy about Jesus. It starts " My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? "; Jesus' last words on the cross - so the gospels tell us - and goes on to describe the crucifixion. However, an alternative scenario is that when Jesus was crucified, none of the disciples were around to see what happened, so they made it up, based on Psalm 22 (and other sources in the Old Testament). After all, why would Jesus, apart of the trinity, lament being abandoned by said trinity? In this scenario, Psalm 22 is a prayer by King David, worried about the surrounding nations, who were all threatening to overrun his nation. Some verses that Christians are obliged to ignore: Psalm 22:2My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, but I find no rest. Jesus was on the cross just a few hours, not a day and a night.  More likely this is about the nation of Israel, under threat from its neighbours for many days. Psalm 22:6 But I