Kent Hovind: Third wife in three years?

Kent Hovind is, perhaps the very worst of the creationists, so it is with some interest I note that he is now on this third wife in three years.

For many years he was married to Jo Hovind, who ended up going to prison for a year due to her involvement in tax fraud. Once Kent got released from his rather longer prison sentence, it was not long before Jo filed for divorce (early 2016) - possibly to distance himself from any further gaol sentences.

A few months later, 24th Sptember 2016, and he married Mary Tocco - not a full marriage, but a covenant before God.

It looks like she got various assurances that Kent's new business was entirely honest before she got married. However, she later cam to realise that that was not really the case, and, again to avoid ending up in prison , she left him in November 2017.

Less than a year later and he has a new wife, Cindi Lincoln, a former friend of Mary's. It is not clear if they are married yet, but if not, it looks imminent.

It is interesting to compare Kent's activities with the Biblical position on divorce...

But hey, why would we expect a creationist to take what the Bible says seriously?

Added 08/Jun/21

It sounds like wife three has left him. I am guessing he will have another within a year.


  1. Sad what Kent has done. Unfortunately, "ad hominem" is a logical fallacy and this has nothing to do with the credibility of whether or not God created the world. God may only be rightfully discerned in reference to His own perfection and truthfulness, and is not defined by whether someone else fails who claims to represent Him. On the contrary, your/mine anger towards Kent's hypocrisy and feelings of moral imbalance, remind us that there is an concrete standard of ethics. This standard is confirmed by our conscience and testifies of our own shortcomings whether small or large. Two problems now occur: 1. "Science" has no true place nor explanation for morality, 2. "Science" can not redeem us from our guilty condemnation before God. Hint: God sent His Son Jesus to die on a cross and be raised from the grave to fix issue #2.

  2. It does not reflect on the credibility of creationism, but it does on Hovind, and to a degree on Christianity as a whole.

    It gives a great example of how Christians pick and choose what they want from the Bible. The Bible is quite clear that those who are divorced should not marry again, but most Christians ignore that because... well so many want to get married. It is quite clear that Jesus told his followers to give up all their material goods, but most Christians ignore that because... well who would want to do that? The Bible is quite clear the world is flat, with a solid firmament arching over it, but most Christians ignore that because... well it is patently not true.

    Given Christians treat the Bible as a smörgåsbord, picking what they want to be true from it and ignoring the rest, why should I think any particular claim in the Bible is true? You are right hat that does not make creationism false, but it gives good reason to doubt the Christians who promote it.

    1. Christians make up whatever they think sin is. Sin is breaking the Torah, not what you think is bad. David had sex slave girls and was called righteous.

      Divorce is not a sin. God is a divorcee Himself.

      Deuteronomy says going back to a first husband after divorce is a sin.

      So all those Christians who think people with later marriages are in adultery are idiots. Even Jesus called people fools.

      If Kent wants to have a ninth wife fine by me, even at the same time.

  3. "It does not reflect on the credibility of creationism, but it does on Hovind, and to a degree on Christianity as a whole."
    To a degree it does reflect on Christianity as a whole. However, discerning people should be able to perceive that a "professing Christian", who rejects the basic norms of Christian behavior, should not be considered as an example of genuine Christian behavior. I have known some professing atheists who have acted irresponsibly in word or deed, but I do not consider their poor behavior to the a representative of the behavior of all atheists or even atheistic ideology.

    Christians pick & chose in the marriage divorce issue. I think this is a fair assessment of the way some "Christians" behave, but when they do this, they are not being genuine to the Christian Worldview. Their behavior is hypocritical, which is contrary to the Christian perspective of accepted moral norms.

    "It is quite clear that Jesus told his followers to give up all their material goods".
    I don't think this idea is taught by Jesus, or the Christian worldview. I think your interpretation on this point violates standard hermeneutical and exegetical procedures.

    "The Bible is quite clear the world is flat". I would contend that is not a fair assessment of the understanding of the Christian Worldview. I realize there are some "professing Christians" who twist the Scriptural Texts to make this contention, but once again, this point violates standard hermeneutical and exegetical procedures.

    "solid firmament arching over it". There are some English translations that translate "רָקִ֖יעַ" with the English word "firmament", most notably the King James Translation. Contrary to the ideology of the King James Only Movement, our translations do contain translation errors and poor renderings. One of the major hermeneutical principles is to go back to the original language and research the word within it's major contexts. There are various perspectives considering how to interpret the early part of Genesis within the Christian worldview. You seem to believe the whole understanding of Genesis is settled, but that would be a misunderstanding of Christianity.

    "Given Christians treat the Bible as a smörgåsbord, picking what they want to be true from it and ignoring the rest," Granted that is true of some "Christians", but to extend this assertion to all Christians is a misrepresentation of Christianity.

    "creationism false". There are many perspectives on Creationism. Which one are you speaking of ? Personally, I think Hovind is a con-man, but there are those who have similar view to his, such as the Answers in Genesis movement. They strongly disagree with Hovind on many points, but they are honest. I really don't agree with AiG, I am open to the research, but it is difficult to keep up with it because there are so many various views on creationism. It's much more complicated than most people perceive. Any theory of origins should be evaluated by the content of the objective evidential support, not on the personality or behaviors of its adherents.

    1. DK: However, discerning people should be able to perceive that a "professing Christian", who rejects the basic norms of Christian behavior, should not be considered as an example of genuine Christian behavior. I have known some professing atheists who have acted irresponsibly in word or deed, but I do not consider their poor behavior to the a representative of the behavior of all atheists or even atheistic ideology.

      The thing is that there is no atheist ideology. Atheists just do not believe God exists. That is no more to it than that.

      Christianity has a complex set of beliefs and morals that Christians are supposed to believe and hold to. And supposedly there is a God behind it all, who you would expect to be policing it all or at least guiding them. Each Christian that fails suggests to me that actually there is no God behind it.

      DK: I don't think this idea is taught by Jesus, or the Christian worldview. I think your interpretation on this point violates standard hermeneutical and exegetical procedures.

      See here:

      I agree it is not part of the Christian worldview; the orthodoxy has been clear on that. But that was what Jesus said, it is what Jesus did, and it is what the disciples did.

      DK: "The Bible is quite clear the world is flat". I would contend that is not a fair assessment of the understanding of the Christian Worldview. ...

      See here:

      Of course it is not the Christian view. But it is what the Bible says. Again, the orthodoxy has decided it says something it does not.

      DK: "solid firmament arching over it". There are some English translations that translate "רָקִ֖יעַ" with the English word "firmament", most notably the King James Translation. ... You seem to believe the whole understanding of Genesis is settled, but that would be a misunderstanding of Christianity.

      See here:

      I appreciate modern translations try to hide what it is, but the Bible indicates a solid dome over a flat earth.

      DK: "creationism false". There are many perspectives on Creationism. Which one are you speaking of ? Personally, I think Hovind is a con-man, but there are those who have similar view to his, such as the Answers in Genesis movement. ...

      I disagree with you with regards to Answers in Genesis; I strongly suspect they know they are conning the public - and are making a small fortune in the process.

      Yes, there are various takes on creationism, but they are all based on believing a holy book written centuries ago, and ignoring any evidence that contradicts it. And it is really just these guys' personal interpretation of that holy book. They have chosen to ignore the world is flat, but are adamant it was created in six days (or whatever).

    2. Wow world is flat! You must have hundreds and thousands of pictures of this beautiful Flat Earth I want to see it please so bad! I've got my thousands of pictures from the earth as well it's just not making any sense it's pretty big and fat and round!

      2nd Peter 2 3-7. Thank you for verifying and proving yet again beyond shadow of doubt that the Bible is undeniably true! I guess enjoy your ignorant lifestyle. I'll never be back on this thread you need this though desperately
      "For this they are willingly ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water perished: But the heavens and the Earth which are now, by the same word kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgement and perdition of ungodly men." Man if I was you I would start rethinking everything right now!

  4. This is funny as hell, atheists bashing on a guy for getting remarried (again) and tax fraud. WOW!! what a sinner! NEWS FLASH we are all sinners, just because you sin differently than I or anyone else does not make you a non sinner or any better. For a group of people that don't believe in God you atheists sure spend a lot of time on the subject.
    What in the hell do you care how many times someone gets married? Get a hobby. (This probably is your hobby.) Pathetic.
    HOT OFF THE PRESSES!!! You can marry and get divorced and remarry over and over and over and still go to Heaven. You can get into Heaven being a sinner. You can get into Heaven without a job you can get into Heaven with or without money, you can get into Heaven with or without an education, you can get into Heaven without paying taxes, there are many things you may or may not have and still get into Heaven. But you will NEVER get into Heaven without JESUS. Jesus is the one and only way to eternal life period.
    I have Jesus, I will be getting into Heaven when I die. (again) But lets say atheists are right there is no God no Heaven and no Jesus. What then happens to Christians when they die? Nothing happens besides maybe becoming worm food.
    Now lets say Christians are right and the atheists are wrong. What then happens to atheists? Oh boy, not good, not good at all. That would mean if Heaven and God are real then so is Hell. I'll take my chances trying to defy becoming worm food before I'd take my chances of not going to Hell over a simple belief.
    I sin, you sin, we all sin. For the wage of sin is death but Jesus Christ payed our debts for being natural born sinners, and all you have to do to collect on that is to thank Jesus and ask for forgiveness and to enter your heart. WOW! complicated. So easy a caveman could do it. Just kidding no such thing as "cavemen". Idiots.

    1. God bless you man I am sitting here really blessed by that statement! I wish I had more time on here I just came across this website and this thread. Normally I'm on YouTube or Facebook or whatever but I'm sitting here really just nailing anything I can to provide somebody a way out of their lifestyle. Thank you so much for sharing this this is very well said! I could not agree with you more!

  5. Hi Christian AF

    The Bible is quite clear that while divorce is allowed, if you remarry, then that is adultery. Hovind is what Jesus would consider an adulterer. Clearly it is more important for Hovind to sate his lusts than to obey Jesus.

    This is a guy who presents himself as an authority on the Bible, and yet even he ignores what it says when it is inconvenient! So why should I imagine ANY of the Bible is true?

    With regards to how God decides who goes to hell, I find the idea of someone torturing someone for eternity because they chose not to worship him to be utterly abhorrent. I have no idea how you can love such an entity. Do you just turn a blind idea to the billion of people he is torturing in hell right now? I really do not get it.


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