On Nouveau

Nouveau (now posting as "Authentic Nouveau"), is a poster on CARM. His posts are barely coherent, but he frequently likes to pretend that Darwin was racist and that Hitler based his ideas on Darwinism. Here is a recent sample (from here , but note that CARM frequently delete old threads, so the link may not work in a few months). Nazis love to claim Hitler was a Christian. KKK were of the same Devil that Atheeists obey. Can you name the documented liar who lies time and again about Ananias and saphira? Lastly, Atheeists in their pride of dishonesty can't quote The Lord Jesus Christ who defines HIS kingdom Satan doesn't give you permission to quote the Bible correctly. You also are not given permission to accuse Stalin and misc other brutal and wicked atheeist ring leaders. I addressed the lie that Darwin was racist here . I have addressed the lie that Hitler used Darwinism here . More recently, I also made a post pointing out these claims are more true of Christiani...