On Nouveau

Nouveau (now posting as "Authentic Nouveau"), is a poster on CARM. His posts are barely coherent, but he frequently likes to pretend that Darwin was racist and that Hitler based his ideas on Darwinism.

Here is a recent sample (from here, but note that CARM frequently delete old threads, so the link may not work in a few months).

Nazis love to claim Hitler was a Christian.

KKK were of the same Devil that Atheeists obey.

Can you name the documented liar who lies time and again about Ananias and saphira?

Lastly, Atheeists in their pride of dishonesty can't quote The Lord Jesus Christ who defines HIS kingdom

Satan doesn't give you permission to quote the Bible correctly. You also are not given permission to accuse Stalin and misc other brutal and wicked atheeist ring leaders.

I addressed the lie that Darwin was racist here.

I have addressed the lie that Hitler used Darwinism here.

More recently, I also made a post pointing out these claims are more true of Christianity, than Darwinism - that Christianity has a long history of racism, that the slaver owners in the US were Christianity and further more used Christianity to support their views, that the KKK was a Christian organisation, that the Nazis were Christian and that Hitler revered Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism.

I have responded to Nouveau numerous times pointing this out. I have no hope of convincing him, I know that, but at least I can highlight that Christianity is so much worse than Darwinism, and the hope is that this may make at least a few people think about the lies he is peddling.

Especially as Nouveau so rarely supports his claims with any kind of evidence.

Nouveau is an "interesting" character as he makes various fanciful claims. He has not been so outrageous recently, but in the past he has claimed to be a medical doctor, to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, to have a daughter who is an Olympic athlete, and to be the president of his local yacht club.

Of course, none of it true.

How do I know this? Well, for one thing his posts are barely coherent. How can someone so incoherent get to be a doctor or CEO?

However, with respect to his claim to be a doctor, we can be utterly certain he is lying, because three years ago he made a post confusing midi-clorians (the things from Star Wars) and mitachondria (the things in cells that any real doctor would know about).

Fortunately I got a screen shot, to preserve his ignorance for posterity.

Nouveau is a fantasist. He lives in a made-up world when he is a brilliant doctor and successful businessman. And where Christianity is true.

The reality is quite different.


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