Intelligent Designs Biggest Story of 2019

According to the Discovery Institute, the biggest story in ID is that a computer scientist has rejected "Darwinism" - but has not accepted ID.

That is it?

The best they can do? Well, apparently:

#1 of Our Top Stories of 2019: Informed by Discovery Authors, Yale’s David Gelernter Rejects Darwinism

Sure, he is a professor at a prestigious university, but he is not a biologist, botanist, zoologist or similar scientist with a formal education about what evolution is. He is not even a scientist in the normal (a computer scientist is not actually a scientist as he does not deal with empirical evidence; he does not use the scientific method).

But for the DI, it is worse than that, as their article admits: "Dr. Gelernter is not on board with intelligent design"

So the biggest story in Intelligent Design in 2019 is about a man who rejects Intelligent Design.


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