Near-Death Experiences

 Near-death experiences are often cited as evidence for the soul or even for religion. Here are some random thoughts.

A good review here:

It is like being on drugs

A study indicates that there is a lot of similarity between NDEs and using certain drugs, such as ketamine.

The fact that different drugs give different experiences across a whole spectrum, with NDEs being at one end of the spectrum, does point to this being a physiological effect.


If a person really does leave their body, and can see what is happening, then that indicates the disembodied soul is interacting with the material world. Photons from all around the room are going to the disembodied soul, and rather than passing through, they are interacting with it. So how come there is not a dark space (or other visual effect) where the soul is? Something like 10% to 20% of near-deaths result in an NDE. we are talking a lot of incidents. but no one has ever seen external evidence of the soul floating around.

Even the blind see!

There are reports of blind people seeing during an NDE... Think about that. These people can see while their souls are not in their bodies, but cannot see when they are. What is stopping them from seeing the rest of the time?

The implication here is that the soul can see, can perceive the world, without a body just as well as we can see using our eyes. Does that really make sense? Not to me.

See also with respect to hearing:


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