Christian Bigotry

I came across a post by Jason Lisle. He is a creationist astrologer... sorry astronomer. Is there a difference for creationists? Anyway, about is the post...

The gist of it is: Racism is awful, but...

He starts: "As Christians, we are very concerned about this because we believe that all people are made in the image of God and therefore deserve dignity, respect, and fair treatment regardless of ethnicity." That is great, but conveniently ignores centuries of racism perpetrated by Christians. Naturally, Lisle shifts the blame squarely on evolution. It is not the Christian way to consider the beam in your own eye, right?

Christianity is in the business of being the victim, not the bully, so cannot ever accept that a Christian was ever a racist. And when black folk object to racism, Christians have to undermine those efforts, lest their own fails get exposed.

This is an example of exactly that. The Black Lives Matter movement has recently been very important in raising the issue of racism, and hopefully will be key in reducing it. But Lisle objects.

One organization that claims to promote racial equality is called “Black Lives Matter” (BLM). However, upon examining their claims, we will find that this organization is actually fueling racism rather than reducing it. ... It is helpful to know something about the people who started the organization and their philosophies to see what is being promoted in the Black Lives Matter movement. 

You see, Lisle disagree with some of the people who founded Black Lives Matters, and as far as he is concerned that is more important than the anti-racism message they bring.

Lisle objects to this anti-racism movement because it was founded by a lesbian, a transgender person and a woman sympathetic to both. And his horror of homosexuality is, apparently, greater than his horror of racism. 

To him, objecting to the love between two people who happen to be the same sex is far more important than objecting to the hate between tweo people who happen to be of different skin colour. Never believe them when they say Christianity is about love.

As he says:

This is significant because the Bible describes the perversion of homosexual behavior as a particularly heinous sin – an abomination (Leviticus 18:22). 

Let us hope those in the Black Lives Matter do not eat crayfish, ship or clams! The Bible likewise describes the perversion of eating shellfish  as a particularly heinous sin – an abomination:

Leviticus 11:10 But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are [d]an abomination to you. 11 They shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat their flesh, but you shall regard their carcasses as an abomination. 12 Whatever in the water does not have fins or scales—that shall be an abomination to you.

Oh, wait.

Christians eat shellfish all the time.

So on the one hand we have a Biblical abomination that is so ghastly that it taints the entire Black Lives Matter movement, and on the other hand we have a Biblical abomination that Christians indulge in without a thought.

Odd that. It is kind of like he is using the Bible to rationalise his own prejudices.

He goes on to rant about communism because - horror of horrors - the founders are also Marxist, and he has his prejudice against Marxism to justify. Of course he finds Bible quotes to support his capitalist ideology, but does he really believe Jesus would be a capitalist, rather than a socialist? Jesus railed against wealth numerous times.

But I guess Christians are good at ignoring the inconvenient bits of the Bible.


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